From the Blog

How to Create the Ideal Volunteer Advertisement

To create the ideal volunteer advertisement, you must know your audience. You should be aware of their needs, demographics, interests and concerns. It would help if you also had a good grasp on their goals. The more information you can gather about your ideal volunteer base, the better able you will be to tailor your advertisement accordingly.

Top Gun Recruitment & Retention Tips for the Volunteer Fire/EMS Service

You can’t put a dollar amount on volunteer engagement in the fire and EMS service. Feeling relevant, needed, and understanding that the time given has meaning is the jet fuel of a volunteer’s service. Thanking your members for a job well-done too often gets placed on the back burner.

Four Essential PARTS to Recruiting a Farm-Team for Your Volunteer Fire/EMS Agency

Spring is in the air and so is the opportunity to get out of our COVID-confined cocoons and go recruiting. A recent email to my volunteer fire department’s recruitment team “accidentally” caused me to write this piece about recruiting in a high school career/college fair environment, an opportunity we welcomed with open arms.