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Recorded: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Mission Critical Dashboard Integration

Getting the right content and status updates in front of the right people to drive results can be hard. That’s why we discussed how First Arriving’s Digital Dashboards & PSTrax can help your department or station share critical information and streamline operations checks and logistics management for Fire & EMS. Register now to download and watch this 1-hour webinar. We highlight how you can:

[dt_icon_text layout=”layout_1″ dt_text_title=”Improve Internal Communications” heading_tag=”h3″ dt_text_custom_title_color=”#f26522″ dt_text_desc=”Customize screens with consistent messaging directed towards management, personnel, crews, trainees and recruits with real-time alerts.” dt_text_content_font_style=”normal:normal:none” show_btn=”n” icon_picker=”fas fa-star” dt_text_icon_size=”25px” dt_text_icon_border_width=”2px” dt_text_icon_color=”#f26522″ dt_icon_bg=”n” css_dt_carousel=”.vc_custom_1619707369562{margin-top: .5em !important;padding-top: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”]
[dt_icon_text layout=”layout_1″ dt_text_title=”Increase Productivity, Engagement and Safety” heading_tag=”h3″ dt_text_custom_title_color=”#f26522″ dt_text_desc=”Inform and inspire with timetables, safety alerts, fleet and equipment status, inventory tracking, news and announcements, training updates and more.” dt_text_content_font_style=”normal:normal:none” show_btn=”n” icon_picker=”fas fa-star” dt_text_icon_size=”25px” dt_text_icon_border_width=”2px” dt_text_icon_color=”#f26522″ dt_icon_bg=”n” css_dt_carousel=”.vc_custom_1619707416025{margin-top: .5em !important;padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”]
[dt_icon_text layout=”layout_1″ dt_text_title=”Eliminate Multiple Platforms” heading_tag=”h3″ dt_text_custom_title_color=”#f26522″ dt_text_desc=”Streamline updates and content with over 100 integrations to improve operations, efficiency and information sharing.” dt_text_content_font_style=”normal:normal:none” show_btn=”n” icon_picker=”fas fa-star” dt_text_icon_size=”25px” dt_text_icon_border_width=”2px” dt_text_icon_color=”#f26522″ dt_icon_bg=”n” css_dt_carousel=”.vc_custom_1619707423644{margin-top: .5em !important;padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”]

Get ready for a fully packed demo (recorded live) that highlights the benefits & features of First Arriving Dashboards partnered PSTrax Solutions. The live Q&A will give you the answers to frequently asked questions. Don’t hesitate and register to download recording!

[dt_default_button link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Fwebinar%2Fregister%2F2616204381838%2FWN_kRkk1oqxRBedxdxV1BNuYg|title:Register%20Today|target:_blank” size=”big” btn_width=”btn_full_width” button_alignment=”btn_center” css=”.vc_custom_1621260217772{margin-top: 1em !important;margin-bottom: 1em !important;}”]Register to Watch On-Demand Webinar[/dt_default_button]

Dashboards 101 Video
Take a short inside look at the many features showcased here in our Fire/EMS market overview video.

First Arriving Digital Dashboards provide full integration with a growing network of over 100 leading third party technology platforms, features and service providers to share critical information and communicate what matters most

PSTrax is the leading system for operations check and logistics management. With PSTrax, you can automate Apparatus, Station, Inventory, SCBA, PPE, Critical Asset, and Controlled Substance checks. The easy-to-use system is customized to meet your department’s needs.

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