Bladensburg Volunteer Fire Department Gets New Website to Streamline External Communication & Increase Recruitment Efforts

To streamline external communication & take Bladensburg Volunteer Fire Department recruitment efforts, they teamed up with First Arriving to create a fully-customized website.

Located just miles outside of the Nation’s Capitol, you’ll find Bladensburg Volunteer Fire Department, a busy volunteer department known for its dedicated members.

To streamline external communication and take BVFD’s recruitment efforts up a notch, the department partnered with First Arriving to create a fully-customized website integrating the department’s social media channels and showcasing the department’s history, latest news, station information and much more.

In addition to highlighting the department’s latest news and events, the new website features a robust recruitment section that allows prospective members to learn recruitment opportunities.

Are you looking for a similar web solution? We can help! Contact First Arriving today to get started.

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